But after awhile I commenced to think that I must be deceived in my sight and hearing, and was still on earth, and needed only my body again to know that I was still a mortal. Some time elapsed before I really became conscious that I was a spirit and was not on earth; for when I tried to talk to you, as I did, you would not listen to me and turned away from me as if you did not see or hear me.
After a short time your mother and father came to me again and tried to persuade me that I must not continue in my belief that I was still of the earth, but must believe that I was in spirit life and needed only the things of the spirit to make me more contented.
So you see, I was so very fortunate in having your dear parents and grandmother welcome me when I passed over. If they had not received me, I do not know to what condition of fear and distraction I might have been subjected.
No spirit can learn the truth of the change, unless in some way helped by others.
So you see when you come over, I will be there to receive you and love you so much that you will never have to go through the period of doubt that I did. Your father is also waiting to receive you and, in fact, all your spirit band have agreed that when you come, you will have nothing to fear for want of help and love.
I first saw my parents after I commenced to believe that I was in the spirit world, and when I saw them they did not know me, but thought that I was still in the body and that they were still on earth, as they had not yet awakened to the fact that they were in the spirit world. They were very unhappy, and it took considerable talking to make them believe that they were spirits and not mortals.
My father was more easily convinced than was my mother, for he commenced sooner to recall that when death comes, the spirit must go to God who gave it. My mother would not believe so soon, for she continued to think that she was with her acquaintances on earth, and that they were not treating her very courteously, for when she spoke to them, they would not answer. But thank God, they both now realize that they are in the spirit world and that they must learn to love God if they would be happy.
Yes, when my son came to where my body lay, I returned to it, and saw it taken away, and afterwards buried; but I still did not understand what it all meant, and only when your grandmother told me that I would no more inhabit it, did I commence to realize that I had left it forever. But even then I had some feeling that she was mistaken, and that in some way I would return to it again and continue to live on earth.
Yes, when I had been in the spirit world a short time, I saw other spirit forms and, even then, I was not in a condition of mind to fully understand that they were spirits and not mortals. The resemblance is very real to one who has never had his spiritual eyes opened; and even though the spirit forms all appear much more beautiful and bright, yet to me they all seemed to be human forms, and I thought that I was not in condition to fully see just what they were.
You must let me stop now, for I am tired.
Your own true and loving, Helen
The first message James received from his wife and soulmate Helen Padgett.
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