Thursday, June 4, 2009

Divine Love Soulmates

Welcome to my blog, which will be focused on the subject of Divine Love soulmates. Many of you are, no doubt, familiar with the term soulmates and you may believe that you have met your twin soul.

But is this person really your true and only love? There are many ways to find out and, perhaps, you have been led here in order to help you learn what must occur before your soul awakens to this joyful discovery.

The Great Truth of Soulmates video is the perfect introduction. Enjoy and God bless.

The Great Truth of Soulmates

Human souls created by the Father are duplex.

The importance of this provision of the Father for the happiness of humans and spirits,

Has never been fully understood by those who have not with certainty met and recognized their soulmates.

But the soulmate is not an affinity which may be suggested by the passions or desires, but is one provided by the grace and Love of the Father

To live with the other soulmate through all eternity.

The soul, in its existence prior to becoming an indweller in the mortal body, has a consciousness of its existence and

Of its relationship to God and to other parts of the Great Soul

And more especially of the duplex character of its being.

They are male and female in composition, and, at the time of incarnation, divide into their two component parts. Each thereafter in the flesh is a complete soul as to itself.

Another law of the spirit world is that every human being of one sex has,

On earth or in the spirit world, one of the opposite sex, who is his soulmate.

The soulmates may or may not meet and marry in the flesh, depending upon various conditions and circumstances which prevail at the time of their marriage,

But such marriage is in no way a guarantee of happiness.

The great truth of soulmates is that every man born of woman has his soulmate.

Either on earth or in the spirit world and vice versa.

Our Heavenly Father loves and cares for us all.

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You may also view this video as well as its companion The Truth About Soulmates here.

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