God is the only one who is supreme and all powerful and loving and wise.
He is not a being of form or individuality as we may understand, but is a substance of being and soul. His soul is that part of Him which embraces all the affections of love, which love is bestowed on us in order that we may become like our Heavenly Father.
Our Father is not capable of being seen with the physical or spiritual sight, but can only be seen with the soul's eyes of perfect love.
No one has ever heard the voice of God, for He has no voice. He works in a silent mysterious way through the operation of His soul upon our souls. So we must understand that God speaks to us through His Angels, or through the communication of His Soul and theirs.
He is not in any particular place or seated on a throne in His Heavens, but His attributes are everywhere and fill the whole universe. The earth is a very small portion of the universe, and we must not believe that God is only in the Heavens where His children of earth go when we cease to live as mortals.
God is a God of Love above everything else, and the sooner we learn and believe this fact, the sooner will happiness exist on the earth as well as in the Heavens.
God is not a God of hatred, nor does He chastise His children in wrath or anger. His love is with all of us, be we saints or sinners, and no one suffers punishment because the Father wants us to suffer.
He is also a God of Mercy and Forgiveness and will forgive our sins and shed His Mercy over us, if we will truly and in sincerity ask His Forgiveness and seek His Mercy.
He is also a God of Wisdom and His plans for our redemption and salvation are the only plans that can be adopted for us to try to follow in order that we may receive this salvation.
So God is everything in nature and attributes which will not only redeem us from our sins, but will make us lovers of one another and brothers and sisters in the true sense of the word.
He is also a God of Power and, in the days to come when He sees fit to carry out and perfect His plans in their full fruition, He will, through the working of His Spirit which is perfect in its working, destroy all sin and error in His Universe and perfect harmony will reign and we will be at peace and happiness.
The world will not be destroyed but, when the great day of judgment comes, all sin will be eradicated from the world, and we will continue to live upon the earth, free from sin and unhappiness, just as it is supposed that Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden.
James E. Padgett received the second formal message from Jesus only a few days after on his Father's Nature as my God and your God.
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