Saturday, July 18, 2009

Soul Transformation with Divine Love

Our soul, in the condition in which we possess it before the entrance of the Divine Love, is not in accord with the Love of God, nor is it a part of the great Oversoul.

It is only a special creation made in the image of the Heavenly Father having in it the natural love which was conferred upon us at the time of our creation and not having in it any part of the essence of the Father, or any quality that makes it of the Divine nature of the Father, or necessarily immortal.

But when the Divine Love enters into it, and it becomes permeated as it were with the Divine Essence, then it takes on the Divine nature of the Father and to the extent that it receives and possesses this Love, it becomes at-one with God and ceases to be a mere image and becomes transformed into the substance.

Our soul in this condition where Divine Love is present is altogether a different entity from our soul in the condition in which it was created and is no longer subject to the dominion of either the mind or of the animal appetites and desires and, hence, the spirit possessing such a soul is, in essence, a part of the Father, or as Jesus said, is in the Father and the Father in it.

Now, do not understand that such a soul is the soul that man originally possessed with increased development of purity and goodness or freedom from sin, because such is not the case. Your soul, by such transformation, becomes a new thing and never again can it relapse into the soul of our origin.

Because of the qualities that it then possesses, it becomes immortal, and such immortal nature can never be taken from it. It is now a thing of love and purity, and consciousness of its true condition is always with the spirit that has such a soul.

This transformation is gradual, and we must not think that by the mere act of conversion from our state of death we at once become possessed of the nature of the Divine, for such is not the fact.

The transformation comes according to the susceptibility of our soul to receive God’s Divine Love. But when once the inflowing of the Love commences, it continues eternally.

Although there may be times of stagnation and apparent loss of this Divine Essence, yet always is the transformation taking place and, at certain stages in its progress, the possession of this Divine Love will be so great that our original soul, or its original qualities, will entirely disappear and leave only the new qualities which the Divine Love has implanted in it. The leaven when once deposited never ceases to work until the whole shall become leavened.

This condition of transformation may be obtained by all of us if we will only seek for it in the proper way - earnest prayer to our Heavenly Father - and with faith.

The Condition of the soul after the Divine Love flows in to it.

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